Last fall I was feeling sorry for myself, I have had 5 surgeries in just over 4 years.

decided I better accept the way things were and get on with it .  I started med marijuana the end of Dec. 2015,, now mid March and I am about to turn 72, and I feel great..  Quit using the chair lIft (using stairs  still a little discomfort),  my feet have been bad for a long time, I could never tell if they were warm or cold (I know sounds weird)  now I can tell.  I feel good from the inside out. I have way more energy, I am sitting here building this website at 6 a.m. and I know I will be going till late this evening... I am taking 3 gelcaps per day, and weaning myself off prescribed meds (sorry friends for suggesting Ativan , in the past)   quit last Saturday night still losing some sleep.  

 I will manage just fine..getting better each night

more relaxed/  humour is back / lots of energy

less anxiety, sense of well being and the list goes on

I am remembering more changes,, once our health improves we forget the little things??? last fall I had pains in my kidney area,, worse on left side,  about a month after taking MM I noticed a fluttery feeling in my kidney area??? a couple of times , then gone and no more pain.


I had what sounded like a bird sanctuary in my ears all the time, gone!!!!

wearing sandals all the time my heals should be dry and ugly.  Have not used anything on them and my heels are smooth, seems to be healing from the inside out.  Joe had a nagging headache all the time,,  now gone !!.....   

Every once in awhile I will think of a pain or ache and realize "holy crap that is gone""  love surprises (sometimes)